Minggu, 22 Maret 2015

The Beginning

Thank you so much to my dad.

Sorry to late I'm realized it. It's just .. I dunno have to start from where. But.. It's all happens because of God's  hands and you too.. You always be here by my side.. Accompany.. Support me, cheer me up . You always said that i can do it, I can do that. You can reach this or you can reach that. And I always said no, you're think too much.. I will fail in everything. But you always.. Always never stop to saying "listen to me.. I know you can". And then I did it. I can reached. ( honestly, I hate when I have to say "oh yes, just like you said")

I have been work in many places because of your supported. In here too. You push me to doing this. I remembered when I told you I gets call from hrd of Eka hosp. I have done well of psycho test.. So I have to do one more step which is medical check up. Honestly, When I got this called, I'm already have a job. But it so far away.
And then I said to you I'm already have a job, I don't think I have to do this medical check up.. And you said I have to!!.. Because it's nearest from home and bla bla bla.

Short story, you take me there .. And you were waiting for me at under the tree. For many hours you were waiting. And, finally I'm done with my medical check up.. Just we wait until the result comes out and I get called again. Then.. You said you have feeling that I will gets the job. And I said we'll see.

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